SOEHNLE Body Balance Slim F4 User Manual

Page 18

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Whether you would like to
reduce your body weight
because you are overweight or
increase it if you are under-
weight, please contact a phy-
sician. Every treatment and
diet programs require the
advice of a physician.

Recommendations for fitness
programs or diets based on
calculated values should be
obtained from a physician or
other qualified person.

SOEHNLE is not liable for
any damages or losses caused
by the use of Body Balance
or for Third Party claims.

This product is intended only
for private use by the consu-
mer. It is not suitable for pro-
fessional operation in hospi-
tals or medical institutions.

It is not suitable for persons
with electronic implants
(pace maker, etc.)

Only operate this body analy-
sis scale on sturdy, level sur-
faces (tile, hardwood floor,
etc.). Carpets could cause
erroneous measurements.

BA63720slimF4_117609_V9.qxd 27.08.2009 18:01 Uhr Seite 18