Field of application, Nomenclature of parts, Inspection, points to verify – Petzl OSCILLANTE User Manual
Page 4: Compatibility, Values, Pulley system efficiency, Progress capture systems, Positioning and redirection, Petzl general information, Traceability and markings

P02 oscillante P025010a (220609)
This document contains general information on Petzl pulleys; for the
complete product information, see also the specific product instructions.
Only the techniques shown in the diagrams that are not crossed out
and/or do not display a skull and crossbones symbol are authorized.
Check our Web site regularly to find the latest versions
of these documents and/or supplementary information.
Contact PETZL if you have any doubt or difficulty understanding these
1. Field of application
This equipment is personal protective equipment (PPE). Pulley for use
only on rope.
This product must not be loaded beyond its strength rating, nor be used
for any purpose other than that for which it is designed.
Activities involving the use of this equipment are inherently dangerous.
You are responsible for your own actions and decisions.
Before using this equipment, you must:
- Read and understand all instructions for use.
- Get specific training in its proper use.
- Become acquainted with its capabilities and limitations.
- Understand and accept the risks involved.
Failure to heed any of these warnings may result in severe injury or death.
WARNING, specific training in the activities defined in the field of
application is essential before use.
This product must only be used by competent and responsible persons,
or those placed under the direct and visual control of a competent and
responsible person.
Gaining an adequate apprenticeship in appropriate techniques and
methods of protection is your own responsibility.
You personally assume all risks and responsibilities for all damage,
injury or death which may occur during or following incorrect use of
our products in any manner whatsoever. If you are not able, or not in
a position to assume this responsibility or to take this risk, do not use
this equipment.
2. Nomenclature of parts
(1) Side plates, (2) Sheave, (3) Axle, (4) Sealed ball bearing, (4bis) Self-
lubricating bushings (depending on pulley type).
3. Inspection, points to verify
Before each use
Verify there are no cracks, deformation, corrosion, etc.
Verify that the sheaves turn freely and that they are not worn out. Verify
the play and deformation of the side plates. Verify that the sheaves do
not rub against the side plates.
During each use
Make sure that all pieces of equipment in the system are correctly
positioned with respect to each other.
It is important to regularly monitor the condition of the product and its
connections to the other equipment in the system.
Consult the details of the inspection procedure to be carried out for
each item of PPE on the Web at or on the PETZL
Contact Petzl if there is any doubt about the condition of this product.
4. Compatibility
For all of your applications, verify the compatibility of this product with
the other elements of your system (compatibility = good functional
- Attach your pulleys with locking carabiners.
- Verify the size and shape of the connectors (rope clamps must not be
in contact with the pulleys).
- WARNING, if the rope’s diameter is too small, it can jam bewteen a
sheave and a side plate.
WARNING, dynamic movements of the load (“yo-yo” effect) and
movements due to the lifting effort can multiply the forces on the anchor
and on other elements of the system by a factor of two or more. Verify the
strength compatibility of the other elements in the system. Avoid shock
- Any equipment used with the pulleys (anchors, ropes, locking
connectors, etc.) must conform to applicable standards and/or
Contact Petzl if you are uncertain about the compatibility of your
5. Values
5A. Maximum working load
5B. Breaking strength
If you install a frame-loaded rope clamp (progress capture) on a pulley,
the breaking strength of the system is limited by the strength of the
rope in the rope clamp, which is from 4 to 6.5 kN for Petzl frame-loaded
rope clamps, depending on the rope used, (for other rope clamps, see
the manufacturer’s specifications).
6. Pulley system efficiency
6A. Simple pulley system
Simple pulley system with progress capture
Theoretically (theoretical force), the force F necessary to raise a load P
is equal to the load P. In reality, there is friction in the system. For
example with a carabiner, this relationship is F = 2P and with a pulley,
depending in its efficiency, the relationship is F = 1,1 to 1.4 P.
6B. 2:1 hauling system
You need a longer rope (twice the haul distance).
6C. 3:1 hauling system with progress capture
6D. 4:1 hauling system with progress capture for double pulleys
These tests were done with new 8 mm semi-static ropes and a mass of
80 kg, at low speed.
7. Progress capture systems
WARNING: For systems with progress capture, before each use, verify
the rope is correctly installed and test the progress capture system
(verify the rope jams in the desired direction.).
8. Positioning and redirection
When using a directional pulley, be aware that the load on the pulley
(and its anchor) varies according to the angle formed by the rope.
9. Petzl general information
Lifetime / When to retire your equipment
For Petzl plastic and textile products, the maximum lifetime is 10 years
from the date of manufacture. It is indefinite for metallic products.
ATTENTION: an exceptional event can lead you to retire a product after
only one use, depending on the type and intensity of usage and the
environment of usage (harsh environments, sea, sharp edges, extreme
temperatures, chemical products, etc.).
A product must be retired when:
- It is over 10 years old and made of plastic or textiles.
- It has been subjected to a major fall (or load).
- It fails to pass inspection. You have any doubt as to its reliability.
- You do not know its full usage history.
- When it becomes obsolete due to changes in legislation, standards,
technique or incompatibility with other equipment, etc.
Destroy retired equipment to prevent further use.
Product inspection
In addition to the inspection before each use, an in-depth inspection
must be carried out by a competent inspector. The frequency of the
in-depth inspection must be governed by applicable legislation, and the
type and the intensity of use. Petzl recommends an inspection at least
once every 12 months.
To help maintain product traceability, do not remove any markings or
Inspection results should be recorded on a form with the following
details: type of equipment, model, manufacturer contact information,
serial or individual number; dates of: manufacture, purchase, first
use, next periodic inspection; notes: problems, comments; name and
signature of the inspector.
See an example at or on the Petzl PPE CD-ROM.
Storage, transport
Store the product in a dry place away from exposure to UV, chemicals,
extreme temperatures, etc. Clean and dry the product if necessary.
Modifications, repairs
Modifications and repairs outside of Petzl facilities are prohibited
(except replacement parts).
3-year guarantee
Against all material or manufacturing defect. Exclusions: normal wear
and tear, oxidation, modifications or alterations, incorrect storage, poor
maintenance, negligence, uses for which this product is not designed.
Petzl is not responsible for the consequences, direct, indirect or
accidental, or any other type of damage befalling or resulting from the
use of its products.
Traceability and markings
a. Body controlling the manufacture of this PPE
b. Notified body that carried out the CE type inspection
c. Traceability: datamatrix = product reference + individual number
d. Diameter
e. Individual number
f. Year of manufacture
g. Day of manufacture
h. Control or name of inspector
i. Incrementation