Edimax Technology BR-6204WLg User Manual
Page 49

Connection Type
Please select the connection type of Internet
connection you wish to use. There are 3 options:
‘Continuous’ - keep internet connection alive, do
not disconnect.
’Connect on Demand’ - only connects to Internet
when there’s a connect attempt,
Manual - only connects to Internet when ‘Connect’
button on this page is pressed, and disconnects
when ‘Disconnect button is pressed.
Idle Time
Please specify the time to shutdown Internet
connect after no internet activity is detected in
minute(s) from 1 to 1000. This option is only
available when connection type is ‘Connect on
MTU Size
Please input the MTU value of your network
connection here (from 1400 to 1492). If you don’t
know which value you should use, you can use
default value.
Obtain DNS
Most of service provider will provide DNS IP
address via DHCP. Select this option and this
router will obtain DNS server’s IP address from
your service provider automatically.
Set DNS Manually /
DNS 1 - 3
Select this and input the DNS (Domain Name
System) server’s IP address assigned by your
Internet Service Provider. You can input up to 3 IP
addresses of DNS server, and do not input
hostname here. At least one DNS server is
Clone MAC Address
If your Internet Service Provider only permits
connection from specific MAC address, type the
MAC address here.
Enable uPNP
Check this box if you wish to enable uPNP
(Universal Plug-and-Play) function on WAN port.
Enable Web Server
Access on WAN
If you wish to connect to the web configuration
interface from Internet, please check this box.
Please note that if you didn’t set a strong