Equipment – Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry Bike Sense User Manual

Page 6

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B I K E S E N S E — T H E W I S C O N S I N B I C Y C L E O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L

To ride your bicycle safely and efficiently

it is important to have all equipment operating

smoothly and properly.

Your Bike

What to consider when buying a bike:
What type of bike to buy depends on a number of factors. The best
advice is, “Talk to your local bike shop staff.” They will help you pick
out a bike that suits your riding style, budget, and bicycling goals.
Just as there is no perfect pair of shoes or coat for every circum-
stance, bikes have advantages and disadvantages for different types of

Here are some questions to consider:
Where will I ride? Paved streets and road? Unpaved, but smooth
trails? Grass? Rough trails?

On what kind of terrain will I be riding? How hilly is it? If you plan
to ride mostly flat areas, then gearing will be less critical. If you want
to be able to ride in hilly areas, you will need a wide range of gears.


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