Bicycling & traffic skills, No yes – Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry Bike Sense User Manual
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B I K E S E N S E — T H E W I S C O N S I N B I C Y C L E O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L
Always make hand signals well in advance of any turn to increase
communication with other road users.
Practice stopping as quickly as possible to get a feel for how much
distance is needed at different speeds and under different conditions.
Consider registration in an approved bicycling course taught by certi-
fied bicycling instructors, such as those offered by Bicycle Federation of
Wisconsin, to improve skills, knowledge and confidence on the road.
Here are some skills that you will learn and practice in these classes.
Bicycling in a straight line
Ride in a straight line without weaving between parked cars or when
going through an intersection. Keep your head up and look 300-500
feet forward. Being able to ride in a straight line under varying condi-
tions is the key to riding safely in traffic. Practice following a painted
line as closely as possible at different speeds. With practice you can
minimize wobbles. Riding in a straight line makes you predictable to
other road users.
You should be able to look over your shoulder - to both the left and
the right – while still riding in a straight line. This is a critical skill
when riding in traffic. A mirror does not replace the need to look over
your shoulder.
Bicycling & Traffic Skills
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