Wisconsin bicycle laws – Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry Bike Sense User Manual

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B I K E S E N S E — T H E W I S C O N S I N B I C Y C L E O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L


A bicyclist riding at night must use a

white front light and a red rear reflector

govern bicyclists are contained in the Wisconsin
Vehicle Code. A copy of the information below is
available as a card that can be carried in your bike
bag or jersey. Contact the Wisconsin Department
of Transportation or the Bicycle Federation of
Wisconsin to get a copy. [See the Who Can You
section for contact information.]

Disclaimer: Please refer to Wisconsin State
Statutes for actual wording of the laws. These are
on the internet at
stats.html. Numbers in brackets below denote
relevant State Statutes.

Vehicular Status

• The bicycle is defined as a vehicle. [340.01(5)]

• The operator of a vehicle is granted the same

• When reasonably necessary to avoid unsafe

conditions, including fixed or moving objects,
parked or moving vehicles, pedestrians, ani-
mals, surface hazards or substandard width
lanes [defined as a lane that is too narrow for a
bicycle and a motor vehicle to travel safely side
by side within the lane].

One Way Streets

• Bicycles on a one–way street with 2 or more

lanes of traffic may ride as near the left or
right–hand edge or curb of the roadway as
practicable (in the same direction as other traf-
fic). [346.80(2)(b)]

All bicyclists should be aware that the three most
common motorist-caused bicycle/motor vehicle
collisions are:
• An oncoming driver turns left in front of the
• A driver on a cross street stops, and then pulls
out directly in front of the bicyclist.
• A driver barely passes the bicyclist and then
turns right.

Wisconsin Bicycle

Bicyclists have the same rights and responsibili-
ties as drivers of a motor vehicles. The laws that

rights and subject to the same duties as the
driver of any other vehicle. [346.02(4)(a)]

Lane Positioning

• Always ride on the right, in the same direction

as other traffic. [346.80(2)(a)]

• Ride as far to the right as is practicable (not as

far right as possible). [346.80(2)(a)]

• Practicable generally means safe and reason-

able. 346.80(2)(a) lists a few situations when it
is not practicable to ride far to the right:

• When overtaking and passing another vehicle

traveling in the same direction;

• When preparing for a left turn at an inter-sec-

tion or driveway;

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