Public transit – Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry Bike Sense User Manual

Page 29

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B I K E S E N S E — T H E W I S C O N S I N B I C Y C L E O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L


The integration of bicycles into existing

and planned transit systems is a

highly effective way to expand the

range of travel possible on two wheels.

Loading Bikes

Prepare your bike for loading. Remove water bot-
tles, pumps and other loose items that could fall
off while the bus is in motion.

Inform the bus driver that you will be loading
your bike. You must load your bike from the curb
or in front of the bus. Do not step into oncoming
traffic to load your bike.

Squeeze handle up to release latch, then fold
down the bike rack. You only need to use one
hand to unlatch and pull the bike rack down, so
you can hold your bike with your other hand. It is
not necessary to lean your bike against the bus.

Lift your bike onto the bike rack, fitting wheels
into proper wheel slots. Each wheel slot is clearly
labeled for the front wheel. (NOTE: The rack
operates properly even if a bicycle is loaded in the
wrong direction.) The purpose of the directional
placement is to make the bike nearest the bus
easier to unload.

Raise the Support Arm over the front wheel. The
Support Arm’s number one purpose is to add lat-
eral support for the the bicycle when the bus is in
motion or at rest. Many bikes will sit in the
wheel well without the use of the Support Arm,
but the rack must not be used without the use of
the Support Arm. Bikes with especially thin rims
and tires will sway back and forth without its use.

Public Transit

Bus Bike Racks

Madison Metro has bike racks on its buses. The
racks each hold two bicycles and are easy to use.
Instructions on how to use the racks can be found
on the rack or the Madison Metro website: There is no charge for
taking your bike on the bus. One way to learn to
use the racks is to practice while a bus is waiting
at a transfer point or time point such as the
Capitol Square.





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