Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry Bike Sense User Manual

Page 14

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B I K E S E N S E — T H E W I S C O N S I N B I C Y C L E O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L

It is especially important to increase visibility to others after dark, at

dawn, or dusk, or in bad weather, such as rain, fog or snow.

forks and rear stays, wheels, pedals, helmets, wrists and ankles.
Reflective bands or lights on wrists make your hand signals more visi-
ble. Reflective materials on your legs will also show motion, helping dis-
tinguish you from a stationary object.

Be aware

Be aware that lights and reflectors are primarily useful for traffic
coming from behind or ahead. Drivers coming from the side may
have trouble seeing you regardless of your lights. Reflective tape and
devices on the frame of your bike will allow you to be seen by others
from more angles. It is particularly important to increase your visibil-
ity in the dark or in difficult weather conditions such as rain, fog,
snow, dawn, or dusk.

Wear brightly colored clothing

Wear brightly colored clothing such as neon green, yellow and
orange, and/or wear a safety vest, day or night.

Turn on your lights

Turn on your lights, front and rear, whenever visibility is reduced.
Aim your rear light to the traffic behind you and aim your front light
on an angle for vehicles to see you and for you to be able to see the
road. You need to BE SEEN, and be able to see the road, as well.

Consider increasing the strength of your lights

Dual headlights will allow you to aim one toward oncoming traffic
and one at the road ahead of you. Make sure the batteries for your
lights are fully charged and consider carrying a spare.

Put reflective materials on your bicycle and clothing

Put reflective materials on your bicycle and clothing, including front


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