Bicycle security, Two minutes a bicyclist can’t afford to miss – Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry Bike Sense User Manual

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B I K E S E N S E — T H E W I S C O N S I N B I C Y C L E O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L


front wheel to a bike rack or other object that can-
not be moved. Best locations are in busy pedestri-
an areas visible from many vantage points. At
home keep your bicycle out of sight and dry.
Never leave your bike unlocked for even a short
time. Keep a description of your bike and its seri-
al number at home; they will help you retrieve
your bike if it is stolen. Madison has mandatory
bicycle registration. Even if you live in another
community, you can register your bicycle with the
city of Madison. Your local police may also keep
records of serial numbers. Check with an insur-
ance agent about protecting your bike—it’s an
investment you’ll want to keep.

Madison Bicycle Registration

The Two Minute Check:

1. Check that your front wheel quick release is
tight (or axle nuts).

2. Squeeze the front brake lever and check that the
brake pads align squarely on the rim. Also check
the brake cable and housing for cuts or kinks (make
sure to check both at the brake and at the lever).

3. Pick up the front of the bike and spin the
front wheel. Check for wheel trueness (side to
side wobble caused by improperly tensioned or
broken spokes, or a bent rim), tire wear, and
brake pad clearance from the rim (about 1/8
inch). If you have fenders or a handlebar bag,
make sure these do not rub on the tire.

sidewalks, bicyclists must yield to pedestrians
and give an audible warning when passing
pedestrians traveling in the same direction.

• At intersections and other sidewalk crossings

(alleys, driveways), a bicyclist on the sidewalk
has the same rights and duties as pedestrians.
[346.23, 24, 25, 37, 38]

Bicycle Security

Talk to your local bicycle store about the right
lock for you and your bicycle. Ask for secure, cov-
ered parking at your workplace. For short-term
parking, make sure to lock both your frame and

Two Minutes a
Bicyclist Can’t
Afford to Miss

Is bike inspection something you have been
reserving for a rainy day activity? It shouldn’t be.
Make this two minute check each time you are
preparing to ride. Correct any problems and
make adjustments on the spot. When you ride,
your attention should be on the road at all times.
If you hear a rattle or suspect a problem, get off
the road to check it. Do not start looking your
bike over while you are moving. Taking attention
away from the road ahead to glance down at the
bike has caused many a bicycle crash.

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