Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry Bike Sense User Manual
Page 38

B I K E S E N S E — T H E W I S C O N S I N B I C Y C L E O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L
The Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin…
Help Us Make Wisconsin a Better Place to Bicycle!
Please join us today!
$15 Limited Income
$25 Basic (free map)
$35 Supporter (free map)
$50 Advocate (free map and extra gift!)
$100 Sustaining (extra gifts!)
$500 Legacy (much more!)
$1000 Lifetime (become a Golden Spoke!)
All members get our quarterly newsletter, our annual event booklet, and discounts at select bike
shops throughout the state and on BFW merchandise…plus updates and representation on bike
The Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin is a statewide membership-based
nonprofit bicycle education and advocacy organization. We strive to
Make Wisconsin a Better Place to Bicycle by empowering citizens to
build communities where bicyclists are safe to ride the roads and trails.
We educate decision makers, motorists, and other bicyclists to the trans-
portation and safety issues and environmental, health, and economic ben-
efits of bicycling. We promote bicycling as an integral part of a balanced
transportation system, a healthy and fun lifestyle, and a prosperous econ-
omy. Visit our website at www.bfw.org!
Name as it appears on credit card/billing address:
______________________________ State _____ Zip__________
Hm. Ph.
Check enclosed for $________
(or amount to charge to credit card)
Exp. Date
________/________ (month/year)
Signature: _________________________________________________
Please make check payable to and return this page to:
Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 1224, Madison, WI 53701-1224
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