Forward – Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry Bike Sense User Manual

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B I K E S E N S E — T H E W I S C O N S I N B I C Y C L E O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L

Wisconsin State Statues state

that bicyclists have the same

rights and responsibilities

as drivers of other vehicles.

To do this, bicyclists must understand how to operate their bicycles as
vehicles and how they fit into the flow of traffic. Bike Sense provides
information on traffic laws and riding strategies to help bicyclists
understand their rights, responsibilities and how best to protect their
own safety in traffic.

By following the rules of the road and bicycling in a predictable man-
ner, bicyclists will find more courtesy and respect on the road. For
further information on the rules of the road you should consult the
Wisconsin Vehicle Code or the Wisconsin Motorists Handbook avail-
able from the Division of Motor Vehicles and on the Department of
Transportation website.

All bicyclists should consider taking a course taught by a certified
bicycling instructor. Contact Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin for a list
of courses in your area or to arrange for new classes.


Bicycling for transportation, recreation and fitness has seen enor-
mous growth in recent years. People everywhere are rediscovering
the joys of bicycling; how much fun it is, how practical it is, and how
good it is for their health and well-being. However, with the increase
in bicycling there has also been an increase in conflicts with other
road users. Many of these conflicts stem from confusion about how
bicyclists are to behave in traffic.

The Wisconsin Vehicle Code says that bicyclists have the same rights
and duties as drivers of motor vehicles. Certified bicycling instructors
teach their students that ‘bicyclists fare best when they act and are
treated as drivers of vehicles.’

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