Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry Bike Sense User Manual
Page 36

B I K E S E N S E — T H E W I S C O N S I N B I C Y C L E O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L
6. Grab the crankarms and try to push them in
and out to check the crank arms and bearings for
looseness. There should be no lateral play in the
crank axle. Also check that the pedals are
screwed in all the way, flat against the crankarms
(note: there is a left and a right pedal, the left
pedal is reverse threaded. The pedals should be
marked with an L or an R either on the back of
the spindle or on the flats.)
7. With the rear wheel off the ground, turn the
pedals and shift through the gears. Make sure the
derailleurs can reach all your cog/chainring com-
binations and do not throw the chain off the front
or back sprockets. If there are problems, you may
need to make a cable adjustment or adjust the
derailleur limit screws. Watch the chain pass
through the rear derailleur jockey wheels looking
10. Check your tire pressure with a gauge. Keep
your tires pumped up to the recommended pres-
sure marked on the tire.
4. Grab the top of the front wheel and try to rock
it side to side. If you feel any play your hub bear-
ings need adjustment.
Repeat steps (1) through (4) for the rear. Also
check the vertical alignment of the rear
derailleur’s roller cage (it should be in the same
plane as the freewheel cogs).
5. Grab the front brake and try to rock the front
wheel back and forth. If you feel any play, your
headset might be loose and need adjustment.
Pick the front wheel up off the ground and turn
the handlebars side to side. If you feel any bind-
ing or excessive resistance, your headset may be
too tight.
for bent or tight links. Check the derailleur cables
and housing for cuts and kinks (again, check both
at the derailleurs and at the levers).
8. Try hard to twist the saddle up and down, and
left and right. If it does not move it’s secure. Do
the same to your handlebars, bracing the front
wheel between your knees. Put all your weight
on the handlebars when twisting up and down to
make certain they will not slip in a panic stop.
9. Check other attachments, nuts and bolts to
make sure nothing is loose or might rub against
your tires.
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