Configuration: recorder > operation – VBrick Systems VB5000 User Manual
Page 117

VBrick MPEG-2 Appliance Admin Guide
Configuration: Recorder > Operation
Receive Address
Allows the user to specify how the receive address will be
configured: IP address or Host Name.
Receive Host Name
The source for video to be received by using Host Name of the
source. This parameter can be used only for a unicast source.
Receive IP Address
In multicast mode, this parameter selects the receive IP Address for
the Recorder. In unicast mode, this parameter is optional. If left
blank, the Recorder will accept all data received on the receive IP
port. If set, the Recorder will communicate with any VBrick having
the encoder "unicast poll" option set and instruct it not to transmit
its stream unless the encoding VBrick has the selected receive IP
Receive Port
The receive port designates what local IP port is assigned to listen
for incoming video.
Receive Mode
This read-only parameter informs the operator whether the selected
receive IP Address is Unicast or Multicast.
Packet Ordering
Toggles the state IP packet ordering. The identification number in
the IP header determines IP packet ordering. Out of order packets
are discarded prior to being given to the decoder. Generally, when
packet ordering is enabled, the VBrick will store the out of order
packets and attempt to reassemble the entire datagram. Some
sources of video may not utilize the identification number field in a
consistent manner and therefore the packet ordering feature may
need to be disabled.