Configuration: recorder > network – VBrick Systems VB5000 User Manual
Page 116

© 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
FTP Server Enable
1 to 8 servers are available for FTP. The parameters for these servers are set in the
Configuration: FTP File Transfer > Server menu screen of IWS. When more than one server
is enabled, the appliance will transfer the newly recorded file to each of the enabled severs, up
to a maximum of eight.
Since FTP transfer can be a slower process than the recording process, it is possible to
overrun the FTP queue, especially if many servers are enabled. Also, if operating in Batch
record mode and the recorder attempts to open a new file that has not been completely
transferred, the recorder will stop. The Failure condition is noted in the Recorder Status
Configuration: Recorder > Network
The Network configuration tab is only displayed if you select
Recorder Source
on the previous Configuration: Recorder > General page.
Recorder Source
Defines the source of video for record. When Dedicated is selected
as the Recorder source, the Network option screen appears as a
selection. The Network selections allow the user to set parameters
necessary to record video from a particular Receive IP address and
Port. If a slot is selected as the Recorder Source, the Network screen
does not appear and whatever video is being received by the
designated decoder is recorded.
• Dedicated – Indicates that the settings are read from the VBStar
settings on the Configuration: Recorder > Network page is IWS.
• Decoder Slot # – Indicates that the settings are set for a specific
Decoder Network Configuration. When a Slot # is specified, the
Network option does not appear since it has no affect.
Recorder Schedule
Specify the begin date and time for the archive in
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm
format (with
in 24-hour format).
Record Duration
The length in seconds of the entire recording session, or
Batch Enable
Disabled or Enabled. If enabled, the recorder will create a series of
files and the files will be numbered incrementally.
Batch Duration
The length of each batch file in seconds or Maximum. The
minimum length is 30 seconds.
Batch Wrap Point
Sets the number of batch files (1–999) that will be recorded before
"wrapping over" the previously recorded files (from lowest to
highest batch number).
Auto FTP after
Disabled or Enabled. If enabled, the file is automatically FTPed
when the recorded file is completed.
New File on Channel
Determines whether or not the Hard Drive starts a new file upon
channel change while recording.
OSD Recorder
Selecting will show indictors that will appear on the attached TV
screen indicating a record session is in progress. This is a decoder