Ultra electronic ID Card Printer User Manual
Page 31

IDX380 Printer Driver Manual
Page 31 of 42
K Plane adjust
Use these adjustments to enhance the extraction methods above.
K Plane offset
Some printers tend to print the K plane slightly offset from the CMY planes, resulting in a white
space showing around part of the K plane elements. To correct this, use these adjustments to
compensate for the difference.
Horizontal & Vertical - Type in or scroll to the number of pixels you want the K plane to be offset
either horizontally or vertically. You may need to experiment to find the correct adjustment for your
printer, or it may be indicated in your hardware documentation.
Remove CMY under black
Removes the process black pixels from the proximity of the pure black elements. This could result
in a white space showing around the K plane elements.
Magnetic Encoding
These settings determine how the cards’ magnetic stripes will be encoded. For details on which
settings are best for your encoder, please refer to your hardware documentation. For complete
instructions on sending track information to your encoder, please refer to “Sending Track
Information” later in this document.