Ultra electronic ID Card Printer User Manual
Page 29

IDX380 Printer Driver Manual
Page 29 of 42
Preview of excluded area
How to Measure Exclude Area Coordinates
Coordinates are always relative to the upper left-hand corner of a portrait card, even if you are
printing in landscape mode. The Left coordinate (that is, where the left side of the rectangle begins)
is measured in inches from the left-hand side of the card; the Right coordinate (that is, where the
rectangle ends on its right-hand side) is also measured from this position. The Top and Bottom
coordinates (that is, where the top of the rectangular area begins and where the bottom ends) are
both measured from the top of the card.
K Plane
These features allow you to print some or all black elements of your card design on the K plane,
resulting in a very dark, crisp representation (for example, text and bar codes). They are designed
to work with the 4-color (CMYK) print mode (Front or Back) of the Printing tab (see description
above). Some colour printers have ribbons or cartridges to print cyan (C), magenta (M) and yellow
(Y), and a separate one for pure black (K); this is considered “4-color” printing. A printer that
supports only CMY, does not produce pure black when printing, but “process” black—a
combination of 100% each of cyan, magenta and yellow to make a near black. To determine if your
printer supports 4-color printing, please refer to your hardware documentation.
Note: It is recommended to print all bar codes in pure black (K) because some types of bar code
readers cannot read process black (for example, infrared bar code readers).