Ultra electronic ID Card Printer User Manual
Page 23

IDX380 Printer Driver Manual
Page 23 of 42
In case of a front-backside layout the card is flipped again and the side with the magnetic stripe
is printed.
Card leaves printer with magnetic stripe side face-up.
Flip After IC Encoding
Forces the printer to flip the card after a contact smart chip is encoded. This option should be used
when a contact smart chip is encoded but the opposite side of the card should be printed.
Wait Card Leaves the Printer
In this “save mode option” a print-job will remain in the windows spooler queue as long as the card
is still in the printer. After the card has left the printer the print job will disappear from the windows
spooler. The option does slow down the overall productivity in batch print mode by approximately 6
sec. per job but it ensures that error recovery is possible in all error situations.
Image Correction
The Image Correction settings allow you to predefine color settings for all the CMY elements of
your card design prior to printing. Note: These settings will be applied to ALL CMY elements on
the design.
Preview Image
Display changes made to a sample image and how it will be stored, displayed or printed (output
bitmap). The sample image will show up only if the graphic board in your computer is set to 24-bit