TurboChef Technologies TurboChef User Manual

Page 24

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24 VDC Power Supply

24 VDC output at 40 watts. Supplies control

voltage for I/O control board, 24 VDC mechanical

relays, and solid state relays.

K1 Mechanical Relay

240 VAC, 30 Amp, Double Pole, Double Throw, 24

VDC Relay Coil. Switches power to the magnetron

filament transformers.

K2 Mechanical Relay

240 VAC, 30 Amp, Double Pole, Double Throw, 24

VDC Relay Coil. Switches power to the magnetron

high voltage transformers.

K3 Mechanical Relay

240 VAC, 30 Amp, Double Pole, Double Throw, 24

VDC Relay Coil. Safety interlock device designed to

short L1 and L2 if the monitor switch opens before

the primary or secondary interlock switches.


240 VAC, Dual 40 Amp Solid State Relay. K4

(right) controls the convection heater and K5 (left)

controls the IR element.

K6 Mechanical Relay (North America Only)

240 VAC, 30 Amp, Three Pole, Double Throw, 24

VDC Relay Coil. Responsible for switching between

the 208VAC and 240VAC taps on the high volt-

age and filament transformers.

K7 Relay

24 VDC, 20 Amp, Sealed. Starts with command

from I/O board; switches magnetron cooling fan on

and off. Timer for switching off mag fan is 4:15

after filament switches off.

Interlock Switches

Primary, Secondary, and Monitor Interlock Switches .

Must be actuated by the oven door. When the door

opens, the order is: P, S, M.

IR Thermocouple

Type K Thermocouple. Embedded in the IR ele-

ment, the IR thermocouple measures the inter-

nal/sheath temperature of the IR element. Valid IR

set points are between 500ºF (260ºC) and 1150ºF

(621ºC). The display indicates 1999ºF/C if the

thermocouple is “open”.

EC Thermocouple (P/N 700-1199)

Type K Thermocouple. Thermocouple measures the

temperature of the electrical compartment. If the

temperature within the electrical compartment is

above 158ºF (70ºC), the control displays





. The control board checks the EC tempera-

ture every 60 seconds.

CC Thermocouple

Type K Thermocouple. Thermocouple measures

the temperature of the re-circulating impingement

airflow. Valid CC set points vary depending on

software. If the display indicates 999ºF/C, the ther-

mocouple is “open.”


Proprietary Brushless DC Motor Controller.

Designed solely to operate the blower motor.

VFD (Display)

Vacuum Fluorescent Display.


5x9 Matrix Membrane Switch. Keypad is connected

to the I/O control board via 14-pin flat cable.

Voltage Sensor (North America Only)

Proprietary device designed to measure incoming

line voltage and switch between 208 and 240 VAC

operation. The device measures and allows the user

to configure the oven only when the oven is first

powered on. Voltage sensor will default at 240



The Test Mode allows the service technician to

operate the oven’s subsystems individually. It also

allows the operator to configure various presets.