Installing the tcpipbus, Installing the tcpipbus 23 – Oracle Audio Technologies 8.1 User Manual
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Installing CCA Server Components
Installing the TCPIPBus
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1
Select the variable PATH, click Edit, and then add CCA directory (for example,
c:\ccanywhere\bin) to the path.
TIP: Make sure you put a semicolon(;) before you make a new entry.
For UNIX, you must put both the ccanywhere/bin and ccanywhere/lib path to system
environment PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. You can put them in startup script file such as
.profile. The following is an example of a .profile file:
CCA_INSTALL_PATH=/usr/ccanywhere;export CCA_INSTALL_PATH
MANPATH=${MANPATH}:/usr/share/man:/usr/local/man:$CCA_INSTALL_PATH;export MANPATH
ulimit -n 4048
NOTE: On Solaris/Linux, for security reasons we should not use root account to run CCA
resources. We should create another user account to run CCA resources and do not forget to
change the owner of the CCA directory to the user we use to run CCA resources and assign write
and execute permissions for this directory.
Installing the TCPIPBus
The CCA application server uses the TCPIPBus connection to communicate across its resources. This
is a critical part of the application. The TCPIPBus must be installed as a service on each host that
runs the CCA application server.
Complete these steps to install the TCPIPBus on Windows and on Solaris/Linux:
To install the TCPIPBus on Ms Windows
Open a command line window (Run cmd).
From the command line prompt, change current directory to the CCA bin directory. By changing
current working directory to CCA bin directory, we can execute CCA server files without
specifying the absolute path to those files.
For example: C:\ccanywhere\bin
Install the TCPIPBus service.