Blackberry 7230 User Manual
Page 148

User Guide
making conference, 53
making emergency, 50
making to voice mail, 51
muting, 52
placing on hold, 52
resuming, 52
turning mute off, 52
using applications during, 54
PIN code, changing for SIM card
PIN messages
adding contacts to, 12
deleting, 28
editing, 14
forwarding, 14
marking opened, 34
marking unopened, 34
opening, 10
replying to, 13
requesting more of, 10
resending, 14
saving, 27
saving draft, 12
searching for, 31
sending, 11–13
setting importance, 21
setting options, 20
PIN, locating, 10
priority of messages, setting, 21
profiles, See notification profiles
Prompt for Server Trust field, 132
troubleshooting, 138, 139
turning on, 138
Radio field, 118
replying to all, 13
searching by, 33
reconciling email messages, 29
recurring appointments, See
recurring meetings, See meetings
reference information, 133
refreshing web pages, 74
registering with the network, 119,
related resources, 7
relative date, definition, 90
reminders, troubleshooting, 138
remote address book, searching in,
removing, See deleting
Repeat Notification field, 121
replying to
all recipients, 13
email and PIN messages, 13
SMS messages, 25
email and PIN messages, 14
SMS messages, 26
firewall options, 116
handheld, 138
phone timers, 67
resources, related to this guide, 7
Restrict My Identity field, 63
resuming phone calls, 52
ring tones, See tunes
Salutation field, 36
draft messages, 12
messages, 27
searches, 32
web pages, 74
Scan Mode field, 118
screen/keyboard, setting options,