Tilde symbol, To obtain the tilde symbol – Raritan Engineering KX2-864 User Manual
Page 274

Appendix C: Informational Notes
Tilde Symbol
From the Virtual KVM Client and the Multi-Platform Client, the key
combination of Alt Gr + 2 does not produce the tilde (~) symbol when
using a French keyboard.
To obtain the tilde symbol:
Create a macro consisting of the following commands:
Press right Alt.
Press 2.
Release 2.
Release right Alt.
Key Combinations and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
Because of a limitation in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), Fedora,
Linux, and Solaris clients receive an invalid response from Alt Gr on UK
English and US International language keyboards. Fedora, Linux, and
Solaris do not pick up events for the Alt Gr key combination for Java 1.5.
Java 1.6 appears to improve on this, although the keyPressed and
keyReleased events for Alt Gr still identify it as an “unknown key code”.
Also, a key pressed in combination with Alt Gr (such as on the UK
keyboard Alt Gr-4, which is the Euro symbol), will only generate a
keyTyped followed by a keyReleased event for that value without a
keyPressed event. Java 1.6 improves upon this by filling in the
keyPressed event as well.
Keyboard Language Preference (Fedora Linux Clients)
Because the Sun JRE on Linux has problems generating the correct
KeyEvents for foreign-language keyboards configured using System
Preferences, Raritan recommends that you configure foreign keyboards
using the methods described in the following table.
Configuration method
US Intl
System Settings (Control Center)
French Keyboard
German Keyboard
System Settings (Control Center)
System Settings (Control Center)
Swiss-German System Settings (Control Center)