Blackberry 7780 User Manual
Page 149

BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
deleting, 123
editing, 123
enabling, 121
troubleshooting, 140
Number of Beeps field, 122
Number of Previous Items field, 23
address book attachments, 12
appointments, 94
bookmarks, 79
contacts, 38
email and PIN messages, 6
file attachments, 15
groups, 38
meetings, 94
memos, 103
phone call logs, 55
SMS messages, 19
tasks, 101
web pages, 73–74
address book, 41
browser, 85
calendar, 97
email and PIN messages, 17
file attachment, 16
MemoPad, 103
phone, 57, 65
SMS messages, 23
tasks, 102
See also handheld options
Out of Holster field, 122
owner information, setting, 120
Password field, 126
password security screen, 126–128
password, See handheld password
personal identification number,
adjusting volume, 50
clearing timers, 69
dialing letters, 52
FDN phone list, 63
fixed dialing numbers, 63
icons, 137
resetting timers, 68
setting call barring options, 59
setting call waiting options, 62
setting general options, 65
setting notification profiles, 121
setting voice mail options, 67
speed dial, 52–54
viewing options, 57
viewing status, 68
phone call logs
deleting, 56
editing notes, 56
forwarding, 56
making notes, 55
opening, 55
searching for, 57
phone calls
alternating between, 51
answering, 49
blocking, 59
dialing from Home screen, 65
dialing letters, 52
ending, 47
forwarding, 61
ignoring, 50
logging, 58
making, 46–48
making conference, 51
making emergency, 48
making to voice mail, 49
making using speed dial, 47
muting, 50
placing on hold, 50
resuming, 50