National Instruments NI 6232 User Manual
Page 173

© National Instruments Corporation
for non-referenced signal sources, 4-15
single-ended considerations, 4-16
single-ended for floating signal
single-ended for grounded signal
single-ended, NRSE configuration, 4-16
single-ended, RSE configuration, 4-16
information, 3-1
RTSI, 3-3, 10-4
differential connection, 4-13
for field wiring, 4-18
for multichannel scanning, 4-6
for PXI, 11-2
single-ended connection, 4-16
continuous pulse train generation, 7-23
controllers, DMA, 11-1
controlling counting direction, 7-3
conventions used in the manual, xv
Counter n A signal, 7-29
Counter n Aux signal, 7-28
Counter n B signal, 7-29
Counter n Gate signal, 7-28
Counter n HW Arm signal, 7-30
Counter n Internal Output signal, 7-30
Counter n Source signal, 7-27
Counter n TC signal, 7-30
Counter n Up_Down signal, 7-29
Counter n Z signal, 7-29
counter output applications, 7-21
counter signals
Counter n A, 7-29
Counter n Aux, 7-28
Counter n B, 7-29
Counter n Gate, 7-28
Counter n HW Arm, 7-30
Counter n Internal Output, 7-30
Counter n Source, 7-27
Counter n TC, 7-30
Counter n Up_Down, 7-29
FREQ OUT, 7-31
Frequency Output, 7-31
counter terminals, default, 7-31
cascading, 7-33
duplicate count prevention, 7-35
edge counting, 7-3
filters, 7-33
generation, 7-21
input applications, 7-3
other features, 7-33
output applications, 7-21
prescaling, 7-34
pulse train generation, 7-23
retriggerable single pulse
simple pulse generation, 7-21
single pulse generation, 7-21
single pulse generation with start
synchronization modes, 7-38
timing signals, 7-26
triggering, 7-32
troubleshooting, B-3
counting edges, 7-3
crosstalk when sampling multiple