Cli commands, continued – N-Tron 710FX2 User Manual

Page 147

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(Revised 2012-05-01

Page 147 of 170

CLI Commands, Continued…

Show or Set Port Configuration

Command Name



Show or set Port configuration.


port [-show] [-admin state] [-sd auto | 10h | 10f | 100h | 100f | 1000h | 1000f]
[-flow state] [-fhp state] [-dp prio] [-dscp state] [-8021p state] [-pvid vid]
[-ual percent] [-uah percent] [-security state] portno



Port number to configure or show. Specify “all” to show all ports.


Show configuration.

-admin state

Set the admin status for the port to e(nabled) or d(isabled).


Set the speed and duplex mode for the port.
auto = enable auto-negotiation

-flow state

Set the flow control for the port to e(nabled) or d(isabled).

-fhp state

Set force high priority for the port to e(nabled) or d(isabled).


Set the default QOS priority for the port. The range is 0-7.

-dscp state

Set the DSCP Priority for the port to e(nabled) or d(isabled).

-8021p state

Set the 802.1p Priority for the port to e(nabled) or d(isabled).


Set the VLAN ID for the port. The range is 1-4094.

-ual percent

Set the usage alarm low percentage. The range is 0-100.

-uah percent

Set the usage alarm high percentage. The range is 0-100.

-security state

Set the security status for all supported ports to e(nabled) or d(isabled).


N-TRON/Admin> port –sd 100f –flow enabled –dp 7 –pvid 2 5

Port Port Admin Link Auto Port Dupl Flow Force Def Port
No Name Status Stat Nego Spd Mode Control High Pri Pri State PVID
---- ---- -------- ---- -------- ---- ---- -------- -------- --- ---------- ----
5 TX2 Enabled Down Disabled 100 Full Enabled Disabled 7 Disabled 2

Changes have been made that have not been saved.

N-TRON/Admin> port -dscp e 1

Usage Usage

Port Port Admin Link Auto Port Dupl Flow Force Include Include Def Port Alarm Alarm
No Name Status Stat Nego Spd Mode Control High Pri DSCP 802.1p Pri State PVID Low % High %
---- ---- -------- ---- -------- ---- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- ---------- ---- ----- ------
1 TX1 Enabled Down Enabled Auto Auto Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled 1 Disabled 1 0 100

Changes have been made that have not been saved.
