National Instruments Measure Data Acquisition User Manual

Page 96

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Measure Data Acquisition User Manual


© National Instruments Corporation

In Rows option, Analog Input Configuration

dialog box, 4-6


adding DAQ Add-In manually, 1-3
removing DAQ Add-In manually, 1-3
steps for installation, 1-2
uninstalling Measure, 1-3

interchannel delay

specifying, 4-10


Low Limit field

Advanced Analog Output configuration

dialog box, 5-4

Analog Input Configuration dialog box,



manual. See documentation.

installing, 1-2 to 1-3
overview, 1-2
uninstalling, 1-3
using with DAQ devices, 1-1

Microsoft Excel error message after

removing DAQ Add-In manually,

Mode button, Analog Input Configuration

dialog box, 4-7

mode selection, in Analog Input Mode

dialog box, 4-8 to 4-9

multiplexed operating mode, SCXI, 3-1


NI-DAQ driver software, configuring, 1-1
Non-Referenced Single-Ended Channels

option, Analog Input Mode dialog
box, 4-9

Number of iterations field, Analog Output

Configuration dialog box, 2-6, 5-2

Number of scans field, Analog Input

Configuration dialog box, 2-4, 4-4


operating modes, SCXI modules, 3-1 to 3-3


parallel operating mode, SCXI, 3-1


Referenced Single-Ended Channels field,

Analog Input Mode dialog box, 4-9

Remove button, Analog Output

Configuration dialog box, 5-2

removing DAQ Add-In manually, 1-3

Excel error message, C-2

round robin scanning (figure), 4-5
Run button

DAQ Tasks dialog box, 2-5, 2-7, 2-10


saving tasks, 2-8 to 2-9
Scale to volts checkbox, Analog Input

Configuration dialog box, 4-4

scan clock, external. See clocks.
scan list, analog input, 2-3, 4-2 to 4-4
scan rate

selecting number of scans per second, 4-5
setting, 2-4, 4-4 to 4-5

scans, specifying number for acquisition,

2-3 to 2-4, 4-4

scans after trigger field, Hardware Digital

Trigger dialog box, 4-8

Scans/second field, Analog Input

Configuration dialog box, 2-4, 4-5

SCXI modules. See also DAQ hardware


analog input, 3-2 to 3-4

channel strings syntax (table), 3-4