Neumann.Berlin TLM 67 User Manual

Page 73

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KK 104/105 S

Directional pattern ................................................................. Cardioid/Supercardioid
Frequency range .................................................................................... 80 Hz...20 kHz
Sensitivity at 1 kHz into 1 kohms ........................... 1.7/1.3 mV / Pa ± 1 dB
Equivalent noise level, CCIR


....................................................................... 42/44 dB

Equivalent noise level, A-weighted


................................................... 31/33 dB-A

Max. SPL for 0.5% THD


..................................................................... 148/ 150 dB

Max. SPL for 3% THD


.......................................................................... 153/ 155 dB

Dynamic range (A-weighted) ................................................................... >117 dB-A

Frequency range .................................................................................... 450 – 960 MHz
Switching bandwidth ............................................................................................. 24 MHz
Transmitter frequencies ..................................................................................................... 16
RF-output ................................................................................................... 50 mW (–3 dB)
Noise suppression system ............................................. Sennheiser “HiDyn



Weight (incl. transmitter + power supply unit) .................... approx. 325 g
Dimensions (+ transmitter) .................................... length: 257 mm, Ø 48 mm

pouch big enough to hold not only the capsule, but the
transmitter, battery packs, and additional accessories as well.

These product components are a dream come true for
countless customers, who time and again demanded a wire-
less variant of the successful Neumann KMS 104/105 vo-
calist microphones. Simultaneously, this combination unites
the core areas of competence of two established global play-
ers and market leaders: Neumann – the world’s leading man-
ufacturer of condenser microphones, and Sennheiser
– the market leader with years of
experience in the area of
high-quality wireless

* Also all existing Sennheiser SKM 5000

handheld transmitters can be upgraded with

the Neumann KK 104 S and KK 105 S capsule
heads. Still, to take full advantage of the acous-
tical properties of these heads it is recommend-
ed to utilize the SKM 5200 or SKM 5000 N.

** “Heavy duty” variant with integrated foam
popscreen instead of wire mesh for even bet-
ter plosive attenuation. In addition, foam ma-
terial provides a very large surface area and can
therefore absorb moisture very well.

Technical Data KK 104/105 S (incl. SKM 5200/SKM 5000 N)


according to IEC 60268-1; CCIR-weighting acccording to CCIR 468-3, quasi peak; A-weighting according to IEC 61672-1, RMS


measured as equivalent el. input signal