Digital microphone interface and power supplies – Neumann.Berlin TLM 67 User Manual

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Digital Microphone Interface and Power Supplies

Digital Microphone Interface DMI-2

Equipment that supports the new AES 42 standard can process the
output signals of Solution-D microphones directly. In all other cas-
es, the DMI-2 digital microphone interface is used. The DMI-2 is a
separate, two-channel device which converts the AES 42 data for-
mat supplied by the microphone into an AES/EBU signal. An eight-
channel version is under development.

The DMI-2 is operated via the Neumann RCS remote control soft-
ware, which is installed on a desktop or laptop computer. The com-
puter is connected to the DMI-2 via a USB port and a USB to RS
485 interface converter. If a large number of microphones is used,
several DMI-2s can be cascaded. In this case, each digital micro-
phone interface can be addressed individually.

In addition to a word clock input and output, the DMI-2 also has
an internal word clock generator. If no master word clock signal
(e.g. from a mixing console) is present at the input, the DMI-2 in-
ternal word clock is used automatically to synchronize the two mi-
crophone channels, and the signal is switched to the word clock

External commands such as „On Air“ (red light) can be controlled
via a 9-pin user port.

2 channels,
Inputs: ..................................... XLR3F, AES 42
Outputs: ................... XLR3M, AES/EBU, 24 bit

Control bus: .................. RS485 via RJ 45 jack,

second RJ 45 jack for cascading

purposes (up to 4 DMI devices

today, 16 devices in future),

connection to the computer‘s

USB port via Neumann USB485

interface converter (included)

User Port: ..................................... 9-pin sub-D,

3 functions per channel

Synchronization: ................... AES 42 - Mode 2

(PLL system using an external

Word Clock and remote controlling

the VCXO in the microphone,

default mode),

AES 42 - Mode 1, (asynchronous,

needs a sample rate converter

(SRC) at the receiver side)

Word clock input: ..................... BNC, 75 ohms.
Word clock output: ................... BNC, 75 ohms,

automatically set to the internal

word clock master when no

external word clock received.

Selectable internal sampling rates:

44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192 kHz.

External Word clock: ....... 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96,

176.4, 192 kHz or AES 11 format.

Indicators: ....................... Data Valid (AES 42)

and Sync Locked (Mode 2)

for each channel,

Power On and Ext. Word Clock

Power supply: ................ 90-240 V, 50/60 Hz.

Storage of the last microphone settings and
reloading to the microphones after power on
automatically without the need of the

DMI-2 EU ............................. Cat. No. 008561
DMI-2 UK ............................ Cat. No. 008587
DMI-2 US ............................. Cat. No. 008588