Tlm 193 – Neumann.Berlin TLM 67 User Manual
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TLM 193
The TLM 193 differs from omnidirectional
pressure transducers, where, due to physical
reasons, the diffuse-field and free-field re-
sponses never agree.
This microphone has a very even diffuse-field
response for all polar patterns. This is impor-
tant in a reverberant environment, as more re-
flections arrive at the microphone from differ-
ent directions.
The acoustic information is not affected in its
tonal quality when recorded by the micro-
phone. This characteristic is achieved without
resorting to corrective resonance effects.
Therefore, the microphone maintains an excel-
lent impulse response reproducing all transient
phenomena of music and speech without col-
Electrical features
The letters TLM stand for “transformerless mi-
crophone”. With TLM technology the usual
output transformer is replaced by an electron-
ic circuit.
As with traditional transformers, it ensures good
common mode rejection, and prevents RF in-
terference, that may influence the balanced au-
dio signal.
Compared to other microphones the self noise
level of the TLM 193 is considerably reduced.
As it is capable of handling sound pressure lev-
els up to 140 dB without distortion, the
TLM 193 provides a dynamic range of 130 dB
Operational safety
All exposed surfaces of the microphone cap-
sule, including the diaphragms, are at ground
potential. This technology makes them highly
immune to electrical and atmo-
spheric interference and con-
tamination through microscop-
ic dust particles.
The capsule is elastically
mounted to avoid any structure
borne noise that could interfere
with its operation.
The frequency response of the
TLM 193 amplifier is linear
down to 20 Hz. Even very low
bass signals are reproduced without coloration.
Application Hints
• A universal cardioid mic
• Ideal for close miking of instruments with high
sound pressure levels
• Announcer’s mic for broadcasting/dubbing
• Home recording and project studios
• Vocalist recording
• Spot mic for
- wind instruments
- strings
- percussion
- guitar amps
These are just some of the most common applicati-
ons. We recommend additional experimentation to
gain maximum use from this microphone.
This implies that the microphone becomes
more sensitive to subsonic frequencies, from
structure borne noise or pop and wind noise.
To avoid any LF interference, we recommend
to use the EA 1 elastic suspension, the PS 15
pop screen, or the WS 89 windscreen.
Delivery Range
TLM 193 Microphone
SG 1 Stand mount swivel
Wooden box
Catalog No.
TLM 193 ....................................................... blk ....... 008381
Selection of Accessories
Battery supply, BS 48 i ........................ blk ....... 006494
Power supply, N 248 (EU) .............. blk ....... 008537
Power supply, N 248 (US) ............... blk ....... 008538
Power supply, N 248 (UK) .............. blk ....... 008539
Auditorium hanger, MNV 87 mt ... blk ....... 006806
Elastic suspension, EA 1 mt ............. blk ....... 008450
Popscreen, PS 15 ..................................... blk ....... 008472
Windscreen, WS 89 ............................... blk ....... 007197
Microphone cable, IC 4 mt
(with stand mount swivel) .................. blk ....... 006557
A complete survey and detailed descriptions of all
accessories are contained in the accessories
Meaning of color codes:
blk = black, ni = nickel