Application hints, Applications, D-01 – Neumann.Berlin TLM 67 User Manual

Page 16: Kk 183 + km d, Kk 184 + km d, Kk 185 + km d, Kk 131 + km d, Kk 143 + km d, Kk 145 + km d, Tlm 103 d

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Application Hints


Universally applicable, and particularly suitable for
applications where maximum resolution and transpar-
ency are desired.

KK 183 + KM D

For close miking of instruments when there is no need
to attenuate extraneous noise, and in a balanced
acoustic environment to record acoustic guitar, wind
instruments, strings, percussion, drums

Ideal as AB stereo pair because of the flat frequency
response in the diffuse sound field

Main mic, especially for capturing room acoustics

For stereo recordings with a baffle plate

Spot mic for piano, wind instruments, organ, choir

KK 184 + KM D

For universal use, especially for recording situations
when it is necessary to attenuate off-axis sound (mainly
from the rear) from other nearby instruments.

As XY and ORTF stereo pair

Broadcasting mic for announcers

Spot mic and overhead

Close miking of strings, wind instruments, percussion,
piano, Leslie speakers and guitar amps

KK 185 + KM D

Especially for recording situations when it is necessary
to attenuate off-axis (lateral and rear) sound from other
nearby instruments.

As XY stereo pair

Overhead, toms

In situations that are susceptible to acoustic feedback

To attenuate unwanted sound of nearby instruments

Recording of speech, as in TV, movie and video
productions, PA systems

Produces especially warm and bass supporting sound
for artists who perform in proximity effect range

KK 131 + KM D

• For close miking of instruments when there is no need

to attenuate extra-neous noise, and in a balanced
acoustic environment to record acoustic guitar, wind
instruments, strings, percussion, and drums

• Flat frequency response for close miking, spot mic

KK 143 + KM D

• Polar response characteristic acts more like an omni.

Therefore, it is an ideal tool to record larger instru-
ment ensembles

• As AB stereo pair, especially in rooms with less than

ideal acoustics

• As spot mic for strings, wind instruments, percussion,

and Leslie speakers

• Acts very neutral when used close up to bass instru-

ments, such as double bass, bass amps, guitar amps

KK 145 + KM D

• It naturally compensates for proximity effect

• Very neutral tonal balance during close miking of

speech, as in TV, movie and video, PA

• Acts very neutral when used close up to bass instru-

ments, such as double bass, bass amps, guitar amps,
leslie speakers, toms

TLM 103 D

• A universal cardioid mic

• Vocalist recording

• Announcer’s mic for broadcasting/voice over

• Due to minimal self-noise: on-air mic for radio/

broadcast, very low amplitude signals, radio drama,
sampling, foley/sound effects

• Home recording and project studios

• Spot mic for wind instruments, strings, percussion,

guitar amps, drum overhead