Modify login, Ip address pool (diippool), Login technique (dilogintechnique) – Patton electronic 29XX User Manual

Page 67: Modify login”)

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Dial In Modify default window


Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide

7 • Dial In

Modify Login

This portion of the Dial In Modify default window (see

figure 27

on page 66) describes configuring the IP

address pool, login technique and general login information.

IP Address Pool (diIpPool)
The IP address pool contains the IP addresses that are assigned dynamically to the dial-in connections. Type the
IP address pool in the space provided. The IP addresses can be non-contiguous addresses configured as follows:

– Blocks of IP addresses are designated with a dash (-) separating the first and last host in the block (for


– The addresses can be from a subnet other than the local network the RAS is on

– The IP address pool can have IP addresses from multiple subnets. The subnets must be separated by a

semi-colon (for example,;


The IP address pool is limited to 39 characters.

Login Technique (diLoginTechnique)
This variable defines the login sequence that a dial-up user will see. The various options are defined below:

none(0)—no login sequence is enabled

textORpap(1)—This setting enables clear text logins or PPP calls using PAP authentication.

text(2)—A username prompt is displayed and a username must be entered. If the received username is a
static user with no password defined, then the connection completes and no password prompt is issued. If a
password is required then a password prompt is displayed and a password must be entered.


Text login with 56k ISDN and 64k ISDN is not supported.

pap(3)—This setting assumes that all calls will be PPP users. No username or password prompt will be dis-
played. The system will go directly to PPP processing. The dial-up user must be configured for PAP authen-


If the user trying to connect to the access server is not configured for PAP he
will be disconnected.

chap(4)—This setting assumes that all calls will be PPP users. No username or password prompt will be dis-
played. The system will go directly to PPP processing. The dial-up user must be configured on his computer
for CHAP authentication.


If the user trying to connect to the access server is not configured for CHAP
he will be disconnected.

chapORpap(5)—This setting assumes that all calls will be PPP users. No username or password prompt
will be displayed. The system will go directly to PPP processing. The dial-up user must be configured for
PAP or CHAP authentication. The access server will always request CHAP authentication first. Therefore,
if a user can negotiate either CHAP or PAP, CHAP authentication will be performed.