Modify modem configuration, Isdn (domodemisdnenable), V90(dimodemv90enable) – Patton electronic 29XX User Manual

Page 115: K56flex(dimodemk56enable), V34(dimodemv34enable), V32(dimodemv32enable), V23(dimodemv23enable), V22 (domodemv22enable), V21 (domodemv21enable), Maximum speed (domodemmaxspeed)

background image

Dial Out Modify window


Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide

8 • Dial Out

hard disk space on your server. It is recommended that you only enable this
feature when performing specific troubleshooting.

Modify Modem Configuration

This portion of the Dial Out Modify window (see

figure 44

on page 113) describes modifying the outgoing

modem configuration.

ISDN (doModemISDNEnable)
Enables ISDN modulation. Not currently implemented.

Enables or disables V90 modem modulation

Enables or disables K56flex modem modulation

Enables or disables V34 modem modulation

Allows V.32 and V.32bix modulations up to 14.4 kbps. The following options are available:

disable(0)—neither option is enabled

enable(1)—support V.32 and V.32bis modulations.

Enables or disables V23 modem modulation

V22 (doModemV22Enable)
Allow V.22 or Bell 212 modulations. The following options are available:

disable(0)—Neither option is enabled

enableV22(1)—V.22 modulation is enabled

enableBell212(2)—Bell 212 modulation is enabled

V21 (doModemV21Enable)
Allow V.21 or Bell 103 modulations. The following options are available:

disable(0)—Neither option is enabled

enableV21(1)—V.21 modulation is enabled

enableBell103(2)—Bell 103 modulation is enabled

Maximum Speed (doModemMaxSpeed)
This setting determines the fastest data rate that will be negotiated.