Paxar Monarch 917 User Manual

Page 64

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Print Quantity

Number of tags or sets of tags printed in a
batch. A print quantity of 30 prints 30 tags
when the print multiple is one.


Number of tags to be printed together within a

U s i n g P r i n t M u l t i p l e w i t h I n c / D e c F i e l d s

If your tag has an incrementing or decrementing field, the print
multiple is the number of tags printed as a set before
incrementing or decrementing. If the incrementing field is set to
10, the print multiple is 2, and the print quantity is 2, then four
tags are printed. Two tags print "10" in the incrementing field, the
other two tags print "11" in the incrementing field.

7-18 Printing