Polycom 3725-32870-002 User Manual
Page 54

Chapter 4 – Administrator Configuration
Session Maximum
Specifies the maximum time within which you
can perform operations. When this time is
reached, you are automatically disconnected
and need to relog in. The maximum time can
set to be 480 minutes.
Session Maximum
Number Per User
Specifies the maximum number of logged-on
users with the same account. The system
supports up to 10 users online at the same
time using the same account.
Maximum Password
Specifies the maximum valid days of
password. When this time is reached, the
system prompts you to modify your
password. The maximum days can be set to
180 days.
Minimum Password
Specifies the minimum valid days of
password. The password cannot be changed
within this time. The maximum days can be
set to 30 days.
Reuse Number of
Sets the number of previous passwords that
cannot be repeated. For example, if set to 2,
it means the new password cannot repeat
the last two passwords. The maximum
number to be set is 16.
Minimum Password
Specifies the allowed minimum password
length in the range of 1-15 characters.
Maximum Similarity
Specifies a value of maximum similarity
between the old password and the new
password. The system will not accept a new
password with a similarity value higher than
the value set here. For example, there is a
50% similarity value between "password"
and "wordnew". If the maximum allowed
similarity value is 30%, then "wordnew"
cannot be used to replace the old password
Minimum Upper
Specifies the minimum number of required
upper case in the range of 0-2.
Minimum Lower
Specifies the minimum number of required
lower case in the range of 0-2.
Minimum Numeric
Specifies the minimum number of required
numeric characters in the range of 0-2.
Minimum Special
Specifies the minimum number of required
special characters in the range of 0-2.
Special characters include the characters
displayed in Special Characters Set.
If a parameter can set to be 0, which indicate no limitations to this option.
4 Click Update to apply settings.