Polaroid Polaview 305 User Manual
Page 130

DEC 3C3-to-LCD adapter, 30
DEC 3C3 video
connections, 30
DEC 3C3-to-LCD connector
cable, 30
Diagonal image size, 43
Distance from screen, 43
Dot Clock adjustment, 101
Draw mode, 13, 47, 55, 62
Draw tool, 13, 47, 55–58, 61, 62,
69, 74
Draw toolbar, 56–58
External speaker system, 36
External stereo system, 37
Fade, 53
Fade and balance, 53
Filters, 91–96
Flip mirror, 6–7, 18, 19
cleaning, 87
release lever, 6, 18
Focus, 41
Forward key, 13, 46
H-Sync values, 100
Half-normal height, 103
Hor. Pos
adjusting, 101
Horizontal double image, 102
Image adjustments, 41–43, 51–52
brightness, 51
contrast, 51
correcting keystoning, 42
focusing the image, 41
image size, 43
raising or lowering
the image, 41
Image menu, 65, 66
Blue, 65
Bright, 65, 66
Contrast, 65, 66
DotClk., 65
Factory Default, 65
Green, 65
Interlace, 65
Red, 65
Saturation, 66
Sync, 65
Tint, 66
Image position, 52
Image size, 43
Input Measurements
window, 100
Input Source menu, 64
Input Measurements, 64
Source mode, 64
Source Select, 64
Input sources
definition, 49
SOURCE key, 46
switching, 46
Index 127