Operating information – Lochinvar 800 User Manual
Page 66

Installation & Operation Manual
Status Display Screens
Operation of the cascade
The boiler designated as the Leader will have two additional display screens that can be viewed. These screens will provide
information regarding the operation of the Cascade. Each screen will contain two viewable items. The following is a description
of the individual items and what they can display:
Display shows:
Cas: Off
The Leader control has been turned off by the Enter/Reset button on
the Smart System display.
Cas: Standby
The Leader boiler has not received a call for heat from a remote
Cas: 127.4F (130)
The Cascade is now active. The system supply temperature will be
displayed. The Cascade set point will be displayed in parenthesis.
Cas: Setpoint Met
The Cascade has met the water temperature set point, but is still
receiving a call for heat from a remote thermostat.
Cas: No Members
The Leader control could not detect any Member controls to
participate in the Cascade.
Cas: S6 Not Present
The system supply sensor is not connected to the Leader boiler.
PMP: Off
The Leader control has not received a call for heat from a remote
thermostat and has not powered the system pump.
The Leader control has received a call for heat from a remote
thermostat and has powered the system pump.
PMP: Delay
The system call for heat has been satisfied and the system pump is
running for a fixed time to remove any residual heat.
Press the Next
arrow key on the SMART SYSTEM display to access Screen #10.
Cas Pow: ***% ***%
The first percentage shows the firing rate that is being sent to the last
boiler called on. The second percentage shows the total power
available to the Cascade.
Present: 01234567
Present: 23----d1
Shows the number of boilers connected to the Cascade. The Leader is
designated as 0. Members will be designated 1 - 7. If a “-“ is used in
place of a number, that boiler is either not connected, or in a lockout
mode and not available for the Cascade. If a “d” is used in place of a
number, that boiler is handling a DHW demand and is not available
for the Cascade. If the number is flashing, then that boiler is providing
heat to the Cascade. As the lead boiler is changed from day to day, that
boiler’s address will be shown first in the string of numbers. In the
example, boilers 0 - 3 are present, boiler 2 is the lead boiler, and boiler
0 is heating an indirect DHW tank.
Press the Next
arrow key on the SMART SYSTEM display to roll back to Screen #1. At any point if you wish to access an
earlier screen, press the Previous
arrow key on the SMART SYSTEM display.
Operating information