Operation – Lincoln Electric IM613-B User Manual
Page 23

To recall a memory setting, simply push that memory
button. That memory’s contents will be immediately
recalled to the Control box.
If the ‘Memory Change with Trigger Pull’ DIP switch is
on (see “Setting DIP Switches in the Control Box” sec-
tion) it is possible to recall a given memory by quickly
pulling and releasing the gun trigger before welding.
To switch to memory ‘n’, simply pull and release the
gun trigger ‘n’ times without attempting to weld. The
trigger pulls and releases must be done quickly, in
rapid succession. If too much time is allowed to pass,
the memory location will not change. Note that when-
ever the trigger is pulled, a welding sequence (pre-
flow, run in, etc.) begins, so the electrode should not
be allowed to contact the work piece.
Certain large option panels can modify the set up
parameters Preflow, Run In, Arc Control, Burnback,
Postflow, and Crater. The meaning of those parame-
ters, and their maximum and minimum values, follows.
Preflow - Time delay after the trigger is pulled, but
before weld starts, during which shielding gas flows.
Weld start is defined as the time when both the power
source is energized and the Wire Drive begins feeding
wire. Adjustable from 0.0 (Off) to 2.5 seconds in 0.1s
Run In - Wire feed speed during arc starting. Wire
Drive will feed wire at the Run In speed for one sec-
ond, or until weld current flows. Low speed gear
range: Off (Run In speed equals weld wire feed
speed) or adjustable from 50 to 150 IPM (1.25 to 3.80
MPM). High speed gear range: Off (Run In speed
equals weld wire feed speed) or adjustable from 75 to
150 IPM (2.00 to 3.80 MPM)
Arc Control - Unitless characteristic, also known as
Inductance or Wave Control. Allows operator to vary
the arc characteristics from “soft” to “harsh” in all weld
modes. Adjustable from -10.0 to 10.0 in increments of
0.1. Off (0.0) is nominal.
Burnback - Time delay after the trigger is released
during which the power source remains energized but
the Wire Drive stops feeding wire. Adjustable from
0.00 (Off) to 0.25 seconds in 0.01 second increments.
Postflow - Time delay after burnback is complete,
during which shielding gas flows. Adjustable from 0.0
(Off) to 10.0 seconds in 0.1 second increments.
Crater - Used only when welding with the 4-Step trig-
ger mode. Can be set to Off or On. When On,
Adjustments can be made to WFS and Volts/Trim on
the Control/Display panel. These settings are then
used for ‘cratering’ when in the 4-Step trigger mode
(see explanation of 2 Step and 4 Step operation
below). When Off, ‘cratering’ is not possible.
The Control Box Mother board provides the capability
to adjust some wire feeding parameters as follows:
Acceleration: The motor acceleration can be varied
in five steps, from slow to fast. See “Setting DIP
Switches in the Control Box” section.
Burnback: For the options which cannot adjust the
Burnback set up parameter (CV/G and M panels) a
PC board adjustment (trimmer R5) is provided. The
range is 0.0 to 0.25 seconds, increasing in the clock-
wise direction. This is ignored by options which have
the ability to adjust Burnback (MX2 and MSP2 pan-
Run In: For the options which cannot adjust the Run
In set up parameter (CV/G and M panels) a PC board
DIP switch setting is provided. In one position, the run
in speed will be the minimum Wire Drive WFS. At the
other setting, run in will occur at the same speed as
set on the WFS knob. This DIP switch setting is
ignored by options which have the ability to adjust
Run In (MX2 and MSP2 panels). See “Setting DIP
Switches in the Control Box” section.