Operation – Lincoln Electric IM613-B User Manual
Page 21
The user adjusts WFS according to factors such as weld
size, penetration requirements, heat input, etc. The power
source then uses the WFS setting to adjust its output char-
acteristics (output voltage, output current) according to pre-
programmed settings contained in the power source. In
constant current modes (arc gouging, stick, TIG) this control
adjusts the output current, in amps. An LED lights to inform
the user which function (WFS or amps) is active.This display
can be either English or metric units. Further, this display
can be set up to display either WFS or amps when using
wire welding modes. (See SETTING DIP SWITCHES in the
The right knob is labeled VOLTS / TRIM. In constant volt-
age modes (synergic CV, standard CV) the control adjusts
the welding voltage. In pulse synergic welding modes
(pulse GMAW only) the user can change the Trim setting to
adjust the arc length. It is adjustable from 0.50 to 1.50. A
Trim setting of 1.00 means than no adjustments will be
made to the preset arc lengths, and is optimum for most
conditions. An LED lights to inform the user which function
(volts or trim) is active.
Both displays indicate preset values, according to the weld
mode selected, when not welding. Once welding begins,
they switch to displaying actual values. At that time, the
indicator LEDs will flash to signify actual values are being
displayed. The displays hold the actual values for 5 sec-
onds after a weld is stopped. Turning a knob during the
hold time shuts off the hold, and returns the meters to their
preset values.
The allowable settings are determined by other system com-
ponents. The WFS range, for instance, is dependent upon
the gear range in the Wire Drive and on the welding pro-
grams in the Power Wave power source. The voltage and
current are similarly limited by programs in the Power Wave.
Control Box Panels - Lower Panels
A description of the set up controls, Preflow, Run In, Arc
Control, Postflow, and Crater, and their maximum and mini-
mum values, is in Control Box Panels - Set Up Controls
Description in this section.
K1542-4 CV/Gouge Panel:(Std.)
The CV/G Panel has a single toggle switch for selecting
between two weld modes: CV welding and arc gouging. All
other set up parameters, Preflow, Arc Control, Postflow, and
Crater, default to zero or off. Run-in defaults to the mini-
mum value, or to the weld speed depending on the position
of its associated dip switch. (See “Setting DIP Switches in
the Control Box” section.) Burn back defaults to the on-
board trimmer adjustment. When used with the Dual
Procedure or Memory options, only the WFS/Amps and
Volts/Trim settings are saved.
Selecting the Gouge mode immediately energizes the
output terminals on the power source. The output cur-
rent is set by the Amps control. The Volts/Trim adjust-
ment has no effect in this mode.
K1542-11 MX2 Panel:(Optional)
This panel provides a selection of four weld modes:
CV/MIG, CV/Flux Cored, CC/Stick/soft and
CC/Stick/Crisp through a toggle switch and indicator
lights (LEDs). It allows for adjustment of all set up para-
meters, Preflow, Run In, Arc Control, Burnback,
Postflow, and Crater, through an up/down toggle switch,
indicator lights and a 3 digit display.
Weld modes are selected with the Mode Select switch,
an up/down center-off momentary toggle switch. Moving
the switch bat up or down moves the Weld Mode LED in
the corresponding direction. Holding the switch in either
direction will cause the indicator to move quickly in the
corresponding direction until the switch is released, or
the upper or lower limit is reached.
To adjust Set Up parameters, first select the Set Up
parameter for adjustment, and then adjust the displayed
value up or down.
Set Up parameters are selected with the Select switch,
an up/down center-off momentary toggle switch. Moving
the switch bat up or down moves the Weld Mode LED in
the corresponding direction. Holding the switch in either
direction will cause the indicator to move quickly in the
corresponding direction until the switch is released, or
the upper or lower limit is reached.
The value of the active Set Up parameter, as defined by
the Set Up LED, is displayed on the MX2 panel Set Up
display. The value can be modified with the Set switch.
The Set switch is an up/down center-off momentary tog-
gle switch. Moving the switch bat up or down adjusts the
displayed value in the corresponding direction. Holding
the switch in either direction will cause the display to
move quickly in the corresponding direction until the
switch is released, or the upper or lower parameter limit
is reached.
To energize the output studs in either CC/Stick mode,
the right Control/Display panel knob, labeled Volts/Trim,
must be used. The Volts/Trim knob must be turned
clockwise roughly a quarter revolution to energize the
output studs. (The Volts/trim display will indicate ‘On’
when the studs are energized.) Similarly, turning the
knob a quarter turn counter-clockwise de-energizes the
output studs. If a CC/Stick weld mode is entered through
use of the Dual Procedure, the studs will be in the same
state as when they were last used. If a CC/Stick weld
mode is entered through a Memory recall, the studs will
be de-energized.