Spanning tree > stp status, Spanning tree > global stp, Chapter – Linksys SRW224G4P User Manual

Page 40: Configuring the switch

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Configuring the Switch

24-Port 10/100 + 4-Port Ggabt Swtch wth WebVew and Power over Ethernet

Spanning Tree > STP Status

Spanning Tree > STP Status

You can display a summary of the current bridge STA
information that applies to the entire Switch using the
information screen . This screen displays the following
information .

Spannng Tree State

Shows if the Switch is enabled to

participate in an STA-compliant network .

Spannng Tree Mode

Shows the type of protocol that

the Switch is using .

Brdge ID

A unique identifier for this bridge, consisting of

the bridge priority and MAC address (where the address is
taken from the Switch system) .

Desgnated Root

The priority and MAC address of the

device in the Spanning Tree that the Switch has accepted
as the root device .

Root Port

The number of the port on the Switch that is

closest to the root . The Switch communicates with the
root device through this port . If there is no root port, then
the Switch has been accepted as the root device of the
Spanning Tree network .

Root Path Cost

The path cost from the root port on the

Switch to the root device .

Root Maxmum Age

The maximum time (in seconds) a

device can wait without receiving a configuration message
before attempting to reconfigure . All device ports (except
for designated ports) should receive configuration
messages at regular intervals . Any port that ages out STA
information (provided in the last configuration message)
becomes the designated port for the attached LAN . If it
is a root port, a new root port is selected from among
the device ports attached to the network . (References to
“ports” in this section mean “interfaces,” which includes
both ports and LAGs .)

Root Hello Tme

Interval (in seconds) at which the Switch

transmits a configuration message .

Root Forward Delay

The maximum time (in seconds) the

root device will wait before changing states (i .e ., discarding
to learning to forwarding) . This delay is required because
every device must receive information about topology
changes before it starts to forward frames . In addition,
each port needs time to listen for conflicting information
that would make it return to a discarding state; otherwise,
temporary data loops might result .

Topology Changes Counts

The number of times the

Spanning Tree has been reconfigured .

Last Topology Change

Time since the Spanning Tree

was last reconfigured .

Spanning Tree > Global STP

Spanning Tree > Global STP

Configure the global settings for STP using this screen .
Global settings apply to the entire Switch .

Spannng Tree State

Enables/disables STP on the Switch .

Use the checkbox to enable or disable STP on the Switch .
(Default: Enabled)