Line key leds, Led script – Linksys SPA 900 User Manual
Page 65

Linksys IP Phone Administrator Guide
Firmware Version 5.1
Chapter 3 Managing Linksys IP Phones
Line Key LEDs
Line Key LEDs
This section summarizes the behavior of the line key LEDS on Linksys IP phones with multiple line key
status indicators. For more information, see
“Line Key LED Pattern” section on page 5-31
A line key corresponds to a call appearance. Call appearances for the same extension are numbered in
ascending order of their line key position starting at 1. The line key LED color and blinking pattern are
fully programmable.
The line key LED can be in one of four conditions:
Red (r)
Green (g)
Amber (a)
Off (o).
The 900 Series phone has four built- in blinking patterns defined:
No Blink (nb): Steady on (or off)
Slow Blink (sb): 500ms on, 500ms off
Fast Blink (fb): 100ms on, 100ms off
Double Blink (db): 100ms on, 100ms off, 100ms on, 700ms off
The administrator can also define arbitrary blinking pattern by modifying the syntax of the LedScript.
LED Script
The LED script describes the color and blinking pattern of a Line Key LED. Each script contains a
number of fields separated by a semicolon(;). White spaces are ignored. Each field has the syntax
<field-name> = <field-value>. The allowed field-name and corresponding field-values are listed below:
This field sets the color of the LED. The 4 choices are:
o = off
r = red
g = green
a = amber
This field sets the blinking pattern of the LED. The 4 choices are:
nb = no blink (steady on or off)
sb = slow blink (1s on and 1s off)
fb = fast blink (100ms on and 100ms off)
ud = user-defined (according to the contents of the u field)
This is a user-defined blinking pattern used only when p = ud. It consists of up to 4 pairs of on/off
duration in seconds with up to 2 decimal places; each value is separated by a forward slash (/).