Ready-light, Ready-light -7 – Kodak DCS Pro SLR/n User Manual

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Flash Photography

April 29, 2004


You can use 28 to 200 mm non-CPU NIKKOR lenses (AI-S, AI, AI-modified
NIKKOR) and Series-E lenses, except 200 mm f/2 lens with the built-in
Speedlight. However, the lenses have limitations in usable focal length or
shooting distance:

• AI-S/AI 25-50 mm f/4 (40 mm or longer focal length, and at 40 mm at

0.8 more longer shooting distance)

• AI-S 28-85 mm f/3.5-4.5 (35 mm or longer focal length)

• AI 35-70 mm f/3.5 (35 mm or longer focal length, and at 35 mm at

1 mm or longer shooting distance)

• AI 28-45 mm f/4.5 (28 mm or longer focal length, and at 28 mm at 1 m

or longer shooting distance)

• AI-modified 50-300 mm f/4.5 (200 mm or longer focal length)

• AI S AI 50-300 mm f/4.5 (135 mm or longer focal length)

• AI 80-200 mm f/2.8 (105 mm or longer focal length)

• AI-modified 80-250 mm f/4 (135 mm or longer focal length)


When you are using the built-in Speedlight or an optional Speedlight, such
as the SB-28/28DX, SB-27, SB-26, SB-25, SB-24, SB-23, SB-22, SB-80DX,
SB-800 AF, or SB-50DX, the ready-light appears in the viewfinder once
the Speedlight is fully charged and ready to fire.

If the ready-light blinks approximately three seconds after full flash output
in TTL or non-TTL Auto Flash mode, underexposure may have occurred.
Check the focus distance, aperture, or flash shooting distance range and
recapture the image.