Sakar 24282 User Manual
Page 9

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Photo Resolution
C hoose eitherVG A orQ VG A m ode.
1.Press the Function button to select“Lo”show n on the LC D display.
2.Press the shutterbutton w ithin 5 seconds,the m ode changes to Q VG A m ode.
(In Q VG A m ode you can take up to 102 photos).
3.Press the Function button to select“H I”show n on the LC D display.
4.Press the shutterbutton w ithin 5 seconds,the m ode changes to VG A m ode.(In
VG A m ode,you can take up to 25 photos).
Photo Compression Ratio
You can choose the com pression ratio foryourphotos -“H d”high com pression or
“Ld”low com pression.The higherthe com pression,the m ore photos you can take
w ithout having to dow nload them to your PC . You can take up to 409 photos in
“H d” m ode w ith the low resolution (Lo) setting preset on your cam era (see the
photo resolution section above).
Photo Storage
The num berofphotos thatcan be taken w illvary according to the resolution and
com pression ratio ofthe photos.The LC D display w illshow the currentresolution
and the how m any m ore photos you can take atthis resolution.The m axim um
num bers ofphotos yourcam era can store is:
25 photos ---“H i”resolution + “Ld”com pression
102 photos ---“Lo”resolution + “Ld”com pression
102 photos ---“H i”resolution + “H d”com pression
409 photos ---“Lo”resolution + “H d”com pression
Press the shutter button to take a photo. The num ber of photos shot w ill be
displayed as a digiton the LC D display.Each consecutive photo taken w illincrease
this num berby one as illustrated:
Fluorescent Lamp Frequency
1. Press the Function button to select
“50”or“60”show n on the LC D display.