Sakar 24282 User Manual
Page 12

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Everything you need to get the most out of your photos and MORE
Download photos instantly from yourdigitalcam era,m edia cards,C D s
and storage devices to yourcom puter.
Manage your photos by creating countless unique photo collections
w ithoutduplicating any photos.Burn C D s ofany folders forbackup and
Enhance your photos;Auto Enhance,C rop and C orrectR ed Eye.
Add Active Captions-add TextC aptions,Fram es,Shapes,
Keyw ords… and m ore thatcan be view ed orhidden any tim e.
Locate and Organize your photos and collections-Search by
C aptions,C ategory,Keyw ord orD ate -directly from the operating
system ofyourcom puter.
Share your photos via E-m ail,LocalPrinting and C reate H TM L w eb
pages foruploading online.
Create Calendars, two-sided Greeting Cards and Postcards on
standard photo paper... You can purchase Album s and Video C D ,tw o
additionalw orkshop projects online atanytim e and these w ill