Sakar 24282 User Manual

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be autom atically activated in PhoTags Express.

Create Photo Albums

and Slide Shows on C D s thatcan be view ed on yourPC and VC D ’s for
view ing on yourTV using yourD VD player.
WebCam Express- U se the W ebC am Express softw are to snap photos,
record and create videos.

How to purchase additional “Workshop” projects
In addition to the free C alendars,tw o-sided G reeting C ards and

Postcards W orkshop projects,you have the ability to

purchase tw o

additionalW orkshop projects:"Album s" and "Video C D " online,at

anytim e.

1. To

purchase the “W orkshop Project”sim ply click the one

you w antand you w illbe referred to an online w ebsite

w here you can purchase them .

2. O nce

you purchase the “W orkshop projects”they w illbe

autom atically activated in the softw are.

Section Eight – Capturing AVI