Sakar 24282 User Manual
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Section One - Profile
Thank you forpurchasing this digitalcam era.N otonly can ittake photos butitalso
has built-in PC cam era functions.This cam era is equipped w ith 8M B SD R AM .In
orderto dow nload photos from yourcam era to yourcom puter,you need only
connectthe U SB cable from yourcom puterto yourcam era.You can also use the
built-in PC cam era to hold a video conference via the internet,enabling face to
face online conversations.
Package Contents
*D igitalC am era
U ser’
s M anual * N eck Strap
*C am era Stand * Softw are C D
* U SB cable
System Requirements
¾ W indow s98 SE/2000/M E/XP
¾ 125M B
orm ore free hard disk space,32M B orm ore R AM .
¾ Available U SB Interface and C D -R O M drive.
¾ C olorM onitor(R ecom m ended atleast800*600,24 bitorhigher)
Getting to Know your Digital Camera:
A. C am era/C hargerselector
B. View finder
C . Lens
D . U SB
E. M ode
F. Shutter/C onfirm Button
Section Two - Lithium Battery
Before usi
ng yourcam era forthe fi
m e,charge yourcam era’
s battery.O nce the
battery i
s charged,m ove the C am era/C hargerselectorto “C am era”m ode.D o not
m ove the selectorback to “C harge” m ode
untilyou have dow nloaded all
yourphotos to yourcom puterand are ready to recharge the cam era.