Sakar 24282 User Manual

Page 8

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Ifthe cam era is in energy save m ode,press the function button once to sw itch to
w orking m ode.
Turn Camera Off
1.Press the Function button to select“

”show n on LC D display.

2.Press the shutterbutton w ithin 5 seconds to turn cam era off.
Auto-Shoot Mode
1.Press the Function button to select“

”show n on LC D display.

2.Press the shutterbutton w ithin 5 seconds to activate the 10 second tim er.
3.The cam era w illbeep once persecond.After10 seconds the photo w illbe taken.
Continuous Shoot Mode
1.Press the Function button to select“

”show n on the LC D display.

2.Press the shutterbutton w ithin 5 seconds to activate continuous shootm ode.D o

notrelease the shutterbutton.

3.The cam era w illbeep once foreach photo taken untilthe shutterbutton is
released orthe m em ory is full.
N ote:
1.W hile the cam era is shooting in this m ode,the incorrectexposure m ay be
2.The C ontinuous Shootis only in Q VG A m ode.
3.Photos taken in C ontinuous Shootm ode can be dow nloaded individually.
Continuous Shoot Mode – 3 shots
1.Press the Function button to select“

”show n on the LC D display.

2.H old dow n shutterw ithin 5 seconds and itw illtake 3 photos continuously (saved
in VG A form at).
Delete All Photos
1.Press the Function button to select“

”show n on the LC D display.

2.Press the shutterbutton w ithin 5 seconds,the photo counterw illflash.Press the
shutterbutton again w ithin 5 seconds and allphotos w illbe deleted from the
cam era m em ory.
N ote:
Ifyou do notpress the shutterbutton w ithin 5 seconds,no photos w illbe deleted
and the cam era w illreturn to the norm alw orking state.
Delete Last Photo
1.Press the Function button to selectthe “

”icon show n on the LC D display.

2.Press the shutterbutton once w ithin 5

seconds to delete the lastphoto.