Sakar 24282 User Manual

Page 18

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U SB port.

5.R ight-click on the "M y C om puter"icon.SelectProperties.

Ifyou are running W indow s 98,98SE,orM E:C lick on D evice M anager.

Ifyou are running W indow s 2000 orXP:C lick on hardw are and then D evice

M anager.

Ifthe cam era is installed correctly,there w illbe a category listed for"Im aging

D evices" and clicking on the "+" nextto itshould revealyourcam era.Ifnot,you w ill

probably see "D igitalStillC am era" under"O therD evices" w ith a brightly colored

m arking nextto itindicating thatitis notfunctioning correctly.

Ifyou are running W indow s 98,98SE,orM E:R ightclick on the non functioning

device and selectrem ove.

Ifyou are running W indow s 2000 orXP:R ightclick on the non functioning device

and selectuninstall.Ifa w arning pops up,press O K.

6.R estartyourcom puteragain.Yourcam era is now successfully installed.

Q :H ow do Im ake sure Idon'

tlose im portantpictures?

A:Yourcam era uses sdram m em ory w hich requires a constantelectric currentto

store yourphotos.Should yourcam era lose pow er(forinstance ifthe battery dies

oris rem oved)allstored pictures w illbe lost.W e recom m end alw ays dow nloading

yourphotos to yourcom puteras soon as possible to preventunintentionaldata


Q :Ihave a M AC .W illthis cam era w ork?

A:U nfortunately,the system requirem ents forourcam eras require a W indow s

operating system .

There is no M ac driveravailable and currently no plans to develop one.