Sakar 24282 User Manual
Page 16

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yourcom puter.
3.Inputthe IP address thatyou w ish to connectto in the address barand dial.
4.Select[Tool]\[Video]\[Accept]and [Transfer]options.O nce yourcallhas been
accepted,you can hold a video conference.
Appendix 1:Specifications
ProductType:D igitalC am era
Electronic C oupling Elem ent:C M O S Sensor300K Pixels
Im age R esolution:640x480 Pixels(VG A)320x240 Pixels(Q VG A)
D evices:Built-in 8M B (SD R AM )
M em ory C apacity:25(VG A)(H i) 102(Q VG A)(Lo)
102(VG A)(H i) 409(Q VG A)(Lo)
View finder:Built-in
Auto shoot:10s
ShutterSpeed:1/6-1/15000 s
ShootM odes:Single /C ontinuous Shoot/C ontinuous ShootM ode – 3 shots/
Autom atic shoot/PC C am era
Autom atic Energy Saving: autom atically enters energy save