Sakar 24282 User Manual
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Switching to Charge mode will erase all the photos on your camera.
To recharge yourcam era’
s battery,connectthe cam era to yourcom puterw i
th the U SB
e and m ove the C am era/C hargerselectorto “C harge”m ode.W hen the batteri
are rechargi
ng,the LED w i
lbe red.O nce the batteri
es are ful
y charged,the LED w i
turn green (afterl
ess than 3hours).The cam era w i
on norm al
y w hi
e chargi
W e recom m end chargi
ng yourcam era’
s battery every 7 days orw hen you have used
up the ful
lm em ory capaci
ty ofthe cam era.
NOTE: The camera batteries must be recharged for at least four hours on the
first use.
In orderto conserve battery pow er,ifthe cam era is notused for30 seconds,the
cam era w illautom atically enterenergy save m ode.
Section Three – Softw are and C am era D riverInstallation
IM PO R TAN T:Before attem pting to installthe softw are,ensure thatyou do nothave
the cam era attached to yourcom puter.This w illaffectthe installation process and
could cause yourinstallation to fail.D o notconnectthe cable to the com puteruntil
the entire installation process has been com pleted.W e recom m end
the step by step instructions thatw illappearon yourscreen during the installation
Insertthe C D into yourC D -R om drive.M ake sure thatyourcam era
not connected to the com puter.
2. ForW IN 2000 orW IN XP operating system s -O n the “
Install your
camera software”screen,selectyourcam era m odelfrom the drop
dow n listand click the “Install”button to installPhoTags Express
follow ed by the installation ofPhoTags W ebC am Express and your
cam era driver.
ForW IN 98SE operating system - O n
the “
Install your camera