Sharp SGH-J700V User Manual

Page 6

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Custom ise your phone .....................................20
U se basic call functions ...................................21
Send and view m essages .................................22
A dd and find contacts ......................................25
U se basic cam era functions .............................26
Listen to m usic ................................................27
Brow se the w eb ...............................................28

using advanced functions 30

U se advanced call functions ............................30
U se advanced Phonebook functions ................32
U se advanced m essaging functions .................33
U se advanced m usic functions ........................34

using tools and applications 36

U se the Bluetooth w ireless feature ..................36
A ctivate and send an SO S m essage .................37
A ctivate m obile tracker ...................................38
Record and play voice m em os ........................39

Edit im ages .....................................................40
U se Java-pow ered gam es and applications ....42
V iew w orld clocks ..........................................42
Set and use alarm s ..........................................43
U se the calculator ...........................................44
Convert currencies or m easurem ents ..............44
Set a countdow n tim er ....................................45
U se the stopw atch ...........................................45
Create a text m em o .........................................45
M anage your calendar ....................................46

overview of m enu functions a

troubleshooting b

index e