Sharp SGH-J700V User Manual
Page 10

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Your phone can interfere w ith m edical equipm ent in
hospitals or health care facilities. Follow all
regulations, posted w arnings, and directions from
m edical personnel.
Turn off the phone or disable the w ireless
functions w hen in an aircraft
Your phone can cause interference w ith aircraft
equipm ent. Follow all airline regulations and turn off
your phone or sw itch to a m ode that disables the
w ireless functions w hen directed by airline personnel.
Protect batteries and chargers from dam age
• Avoid exposing batteries to very cold or very hot
tem peratures (below 0° C/32° F or above 45° C/
115° F). Extrem e tem peratures can reduce the
charging capacity and life of your batteries.
• Prevent batteries from contacting m etal objects, as
this can create a connection betw een the + and -
term inals of your batteries and lead to tem porary or
perm anent battery dam age.
• N ever use a dam aged charger or battery.
• Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an
incorrect type. D ispose of used batteries according
to the instructions
H andle your phone carefully and sensibly
• D o not allow your phone to get w et— liquids can
cause serious dam age. D o not handle your phone